Adding Categories Bar

In this lesson, we're going to add Categories bar

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  • [00:00 - 00:07] We have spent a lot of time working on the categories. We have made a different controller and a different DB set for this.

    [00:08 - 00:15] I want to use this just below our navigation bar. I have seen a lot of e-learning applications using categories like that.

    [00:16 - 00:35] So let's start working on that. First of all, let's go to agent.tas file and like causes, let's make another const category. It will be a list again.

    [00:36 - 00:47] So let's copy it and paste it here. And rather than a paginated cause, this will get us array of category.

    [00:48 - 01:14] Since we don't have category, let's go to our models and create just that category dot ds. Export interface category.

    [01:15 - 01:32] This will have ID of type number name of type string. And cause which will be either array of course.

    [01:33 - 01:43] Let's import it. It can be an empty array or it can be null.

    [01:44 - 02:14] Now let's go back to our agent file and import category or we can simply import it. Now we can add it to our agent object.

    [02:15 - 02:26] The name category is conflicting. So we can make it categories and make it categories here as well.

    [02:27 - 02:41] We can make an API request now. So what we'll do is create a new component and we will call it categories dot d s x.

    [02:42 - 02:53] First of all, import react from react. We will make our const category.

    [02:54 - 03:12] Let's return h1 for now, which will say just category. And finally, export default category.

    [03:13 - 03:23] Now let's discuss what we need to create in this component. I want to show it only on the home page below our navigation bar.

    [03:24 - 03:36] So what we can do is go to our file app dot ds x and below navigation. We will create another route and it should show on the home page.

    [03:37 - 03:55] So the path should be exact and the component will be category and it will auto import it like that. Now let's go back to our component.

    [03:56 - 04:01] We will make an API request to get all the categories. So let's create a new state.

    [04:02 - 04:17] Let's call it categories and set categories. You state it will automatically import it.

    [04:18 - 04:29] The default will be an empty array and let's give it a type category array. So it will import category model automatically.

    [04:30 - 04:35] Now we want to make the request as soon as it renders. So you know what to do.

    [04:36 - 04:51] We will use use effect hook. So whenever the page renders, it will make the request and for making the request, we will use our agent.

    [04:52 - 05:07] So we will do agent. It will import agent automatically then categories since this is bringing the categories for us then list and then we will get a response.

    [05:08 - 05:25] Inside we will set categories to be the response. And again, the model name and this name is conflicting.

    [05:26 - 05:48] So what we can do is make this categories and make it categories here as well. Inside the return statement, let's get rid of the H1 tag and here let's create a div and let's give it a class name.

    [05:49 - 06:02] So we will use a block which will check if we have categories. So if we have categories, we will map it.

    [06:03 - 06:22] We will get a single element which will be called category and it will be of type category as well. We will also get an index which will be of type number.

    [06:23 - 06:39] Here we will return a div with class name categories underscore underscore name . And inside we want to use category dot name.

    [06:40 - 06:54] Also, let's give it key index. Now talking about the styling, I have provided you a code of file underscore categories dot SES.

    [06:55 - 07:11] Just copy the code and inside SAS and components create a new file. Let's call it underscore categories dot SES and paste that file here.

    [07:12 - 07:21] Also paste the underscore base dot SES code which is simply two lines. You can just copy that code.

    [07:22 - 07:34] Go to the base dot SES file and paste it here. This is the box shadow that I have frequently use going back to the categories file.

    [07:35 - 07:51] I have just made the alignments given it a height of 50 pixels kept at center, given it some padding added some shadow and made it hidden on smaller screens using the media queries. That's simply it.

    [07:52 - 08:00] Also, we need to make this file part of our main dot SES file. So simply go there and import.

    [08:01 - 08:11] Components slash categories. We can go to a browser to check how it looks.

    [08:12 - 08:21] We see an error here and I think we haven't changed causes to categories and that is the reason. We're not receiving it.

    [08:22 - 08:28] So let's simply change it to categories. Let's open our browser again.

    [08:29 - 08:35] And again, refresh the page. It looks good now, right?

    [08:36 - 08:39] Now let's make these buttons work in the next lesson.