Which Module Formats Should Your JavaScript Library Support?
As a web application grows and more features are added, modularizing the code improves readability and maintainability. In a basic web application, the application fetches and loads JavaScript files by having multiple tags in an HTML document. Often, these tags reference libraries from CDNs, such as cdnjs or unpkg , before the bundled application code. This approach involves manually ordering the tags correctly. For example, if you wanted to use a library like React in the browser (without any additional tooling, just plain HTML, CSS and JavaScript), then you would need to... Continually adding more JavaScript files becomes more tricky because not only do you need to ensure that their dependencies precede them, but also that there are no naming collisions as a result of variables sharing the same global scope and overriding each other. With no native, built-in features for namespacing and modules in early versions of JavaScript language, different module formats have been introduced over the years to fill this void until the ES6 specification, which includes official syntax for writing modules via ECMAScript (ES6) modules.