Take the course anywhere
Learn advanced React, Node, TypeScript, and GraphQL by building a production-ready application in this 8-week, self-paced, online course.
Learn each of these technologies and how to build a production app that fits them together.
Estimated 4 hours per week
Each module contains 1-2 hours of lecture, code, challenges, and quizes
TinyHouse is a self-paced, 8-week, online course.
Take the course anywhere
Take the course anytime
Learn in a cohesive fashion
Learn with other students
Software Engineer, Web platform: Blink and Chrome at Google
Senior Developer Advocate at Amazon Web Services
This course stands out to me not only because of the great execution, but the breadth of important topics that are covered that are typically left out of these types of courses. By the end of this course, you'll be well on your way to becoming a full stack developer on one of the most modern stacks out there today. 5 stars!
In this detailed Fullstack Masterclass, you'll build a production-ready home sharing application, inspired by sites like Airbnb.
🏠 Try the completed app demo 🏠We'll build a GraphQL in Node.js from scratch
...and then upgrade to Apollo Server
Using Apollo Client we'll integrate our GraphQL queries and mutations into our React app (using hooks)
Using Apollo Client we'll call GraphQL mutations (using hooks)
Both our client and our server will be implemented in TypeScript
We'll use a Geo-location API to allow searching for listings by physical location
Using Stripe, we'll configure the front-end and server to take payments
Creating intuitive and presentable UI isn't easy. We'll see how CSS component frameworks let us create beautiful pages (without being a designer)
Authentication can be difficult to get right, but we show each step to integrate our server and client to allow login with Google or any OAuth 2.0 provider
See how offset-based pagination can easily be implemented with MongoDB and the Apollo framework.
Handle form validation with React Hooks and Ant Design's intuitive, form-based components.
An introduction to all the different tools we'll need to build the TinyHouse application.
Take everything we've learned from Part I and build the TinyHouse home sharing application.
Developer Advocate at MongoDB
I highly recommend this course for anyone looking for a complete, opinionated full-stack approach to modern web application development
In my role as a DevRel at MongoDB, I'm constantly learning new frameworks as well as keeping up with updates to existing stacks. When I evaluate a course, I look for complete content, efficient delivery, and an effective learning strategy. Tinyhouse delivers in all of these areas.
It presents React, TypeScript, GraphQL and MongoDB in an incredibly clear, concise way. I highly recommend this course.
TinyHouse offers the capability to learn within a more complex, in-depth, and interoperable setting.
Other Courses | ||
Complexity | Build a production-ready app | Another todo list |
Depth | Covers all of the details including structure, organization, tooling, and deployment. | Leaves you wanting more, wondering how to build a "real" application. |
Interoperability | Build one unified application in-depth. | A bunch of different tutorials that don't fit together. |
Community | Support from classmates and teachers in our Discord community. | On your own |
Code Examples | Complete code examples, with exercises and quizzes. | Spotty, questionable code examples. |
Time Commitment | Build a complete app in 4 - 6 weeks. | Without a linear path you can waste months and get nowhere. |
Qualified Instructions | We've written and sold thousands of copies of books such as Fullstack React and Fullstack Vue. | Unpredictable |
Accountability | Satisfaction guaranteed - refund at any time. | Stingy refund policies, if any. |
The Tinyhouse course is designed to maximize active learning.
It's designed so that you can learn-by-doing and have the confidence to build a complete application (and get a better job) when you're done.
Each week has 1-2 hours of video lectures.
Every lesson comes with a complete transcript alongside the video, including code.
Every lesson contains a folder of code that shows a runnable version of the app.
Recalling information helps improve retention. Each week you'll have quizzes to test your knowledge.
Challenges are structured code problems that let you try your skills in a new domain.
In our community Discord channel, you can chat with fellow students, ask questions, and help each other.
What folks are saying
Coming from a background of using React, Node, and MongoDB; this course helped introduce other concepts I haven't come across before. I can confidently say this course has made me more confident in building more scalabe web applications.
Some great things about this class - there's a transcript for every lecture that's 100% accurate which has been tremendously helpful! I also love the quizzes at the end of each lecture so you can make sure you understand what you've learned thus far.
I was looking at different courses and books to learn GraphQL, React, and TypeScript and I'm so happy I've come across this course. The instructors have done a fantastic job in teaching the material and utilizing real-life examples to explain the content.
I was enrolled in the beta-program for Part I, and I really enjoyed the structure of the TinyHouse course. From watching the screencast videos, reading the lesson manuscripts, and answering some of the quiz questions that came up; this course is really well laid out!
With TinyHouse, powerful and advanced concepts are explained with examples, quizzes, and exercises. If you want to learn fast and proficient, no doubt this is your platform. Congrats on the awesome work!
I already knew React well and I was familiar with GraphQL but with this course I feel my knowledge about GraphQL is much deeper. Plus, this course is a great introduction to Typescript and React Hooks!
As someone starting a career in web development, I noticed a lot of positions asking for familiarity with TypeScript and GraphQL. By pure chance, I found this course for a capstone project I was working on!
This course focuses on React, but it also includes other technologies (Node, Express, MongoDB, etc.) with each topic explained clearly and shown how it fits into the overall application.
Tinyhouse is amazing! I'm really learning a lot. Also, the instructors are awesome. When I have posted an issue, it seems that they respond almost immediately. Kudos to them!
Comparing and contrasting APIs was really interesting and informative. I specifically enjoyed connecting an Apollo server with a GraphQL API. The content was really easy to understand.
IMO Typescript is verbose and can get a little confusing (I'm still getting used to this), but your approach to writing the functions helps transition to this new form - well thought out! Nice job. I would like to see more from you in the future.
I love the approach to learning you've created and the support on Discord. The speed at which you progress keeps it fresh and sharp. Each module is better than the last because I can see my app build in front of my eyes.
I really loved seeing how other approaches tackle common web dev obstacles. Some of the techniques that are used to tie the MongoDB schema together with the way Typescript knows what things are was really cool. It takes a bit of up-front effort, but I could immediately see how much it would streamline the code from that point on. Great job guys! Really loved your work.
The quality and pace of your teaching is fantastic from the modules I have looked into.
I'm really enjoying this React course. It's packed with industry standard information.
Using TypeScript so extensively proved exceedingly useful. GraphQL + Apollo Server/Boost are amazing tools. I am definitely going to utilize what I learned for freelance projects!
Absolutely fantastic courses. Self-paced, comprehensive, real examples from beginning to end, clear and concisely brilliant. This course will make you a great full-stack developer!
This course contained lots of new knowledge (typescript with node usage, graphql) for me. The material delivery is clear and easy to grasp. I can't wait to proceed with Part II.
You are fantastic, I learned a lot during the course. It improved my skills in web dev a lot.
Hassan and Jing, you guys are great, like great-great, Albert Einstein great. Thank you!
I really enjoyed the first part and even went through it a second time using only the transcripts/copy. Super helpful for retention. I just browsed the part II contents and holy wow, that's a lot of content
Tinyhouse has been useful as I start my own web app. Now I have a clean mental model of GraphQl and resolvers. Thank you. I am more confident in starting new web adventures!
My favorite module was on GraphQL! It moves away from the basics and dives more into the underlying implementation. Nice work!
Tinyhouse has provided me with a good grasp of how to build a dynamic website from scratch. Modules 3 and 4 really show how Apollo is awesome & GraphQL too! Thanks to both Hassan and Jing.
Part 1 was a great introduction to this stack: the modules are well done and carry the learner through the complexity in a supportive way. Looking forward to Part 2! This course will help me to create an example app that I can use to demo the value of the React/Apollo/GraphQL/etc. stack for upcoming projects.
I work in the hospitality industry and we are switching to a very similar stack (except for MongoDB). I like how the course taught how to integrate TypeScript in a full stack JavaScript project and how to create a GraphQL API. Learning the inner workings of Apollo Server was good too. GraphQL was a bit like sorcery to me until now.
Your approach to this course is hands down better than any other I have seen. I absolutely LOVE that you walk us through building things from scratch, then after we understand why and how we did that, only then do you start to talk about some additional libraries we can use to help smooth it out. Thank you!
I found the typescript part really useful. I always wanted to learn typescript and how it can be used to build a production-grade application. Keep up the good work!
This course broadened my experience with real and actual new technologies! Learning about GraphQL and how it is different than traditional REST was really helpful.
I truly enjoyed each of the modules. The coverage on GraphQL was super valuable and I would certainly recommend this course.
Having everything put together in one place is so much better than trying to do it in separate tutorials. I also liked that this course started simple and showed the techniques that are used to develop the app rather than just looking at the finished project and not knowing how it got there. Tinyhouse really made things clear for me.
I definitely learned useful material in the Tinyhouse course! The Comparing APIs module was my favorite. I found this really interesting. Thanks Folks :)
Prior to this, I had experience with React but never really developed API's on my own using Node. I have an internship over the summer and I saw that past interns worked on some web apps. These videos give me a lot of confidence understanding the whole architecture of a web app.
I have been doing this course in my free time - it has a way of keeping programming interesting. Keep up the good work.
Setting up a Node.js app from scratch was super helpful. Specifically Module 3, Using Apollo Server, was my favorite since it compares the Github APIs.
Flexible plans designed for everyone
Everything in the Basics plan and...
Everything in the Pro plan and...
Meet the team behind Tinyhouse
Here are answers to some common questions you might have.
We assume you know the basics of HTML/CSS/JavaScript and perhaps have dabbled in a newer front-end library (like React) to recognize what it offers. With that said, we spend as much time as we can to ensure that we introduce and explain all the technologies we intend to use before we use them.
The course does not teach you how to program from scratch. We delve into intermediate/advanced code, for example, building a GraphQL server with Node and using Hooks with React.
While you don't have to be a React or Node expert, it is good if you have, for example, gone through a basic React tutorial beforehand.
Each module is about a weeks worth of work. The Basics part of the course is 8 modules. Within each week you'll have 1-2 hours of lecture videos, quizzes, and exercises to write code on your own. You can get help from other students in our class Discord channel.
Pro part of the course is an additional 16 modules.
All of the lectures and transcripts are viewable through our website.
At the end of each week you'll have a new skill in your toolbox for building full-stack apps.
Each module is about a weeks worth of work. The Basics part of the course is 8 modules.
Pro part of the course is an additional 16 modules.
Each week has 1-2 hours of lecture. So if you spend 4 hours a week on it, you should be able to complete the course in about 6-8 weeks.
You will given access to the full course material right away. You will log in to our newline class platform and begin watching the videos.
Yes! Not only will we share the entire code project for the course, we share the completed code directories for every single lesson in the course. In the lesson manuscript, you'll also be able to see the code being slowly constructed as you read/proceed through the lesson.
In the Basic package (i.e Part I of the course), we spend as much time as we can introducing and using the technologies needed to persist data, create a GraphQL API, and have our React client interact with that API. Since our focus is on the patterns and methods we take to get this integration, we don't spend a significant amount of time building a large amount of markup in our client application.
In the Pro package (i.e. Part II of the course), we build the TinyHouse application and focus on using the many different third party libraries and tools we'll need (Google Sign In, Google's Geocode API, Stripe, etc). We also spend a significant effort scaling our GraphQL API and React application.
We picked the technologies for this course based on our experience, how well these technologies work together, and their use in numerous production applications today. With that being said, we stress the important patterns and concepts we think one needs to know to help build whatever full-stack application one might have in mind. Whether you prefer to use a relational database, like to set up your GraphQL API with Ruby, or use Vue.js on the client - there's a lot of information you'll learn from this course to help get you where you want to go.
You'll be ready to slay dragons, travel the world, and conquer your next adventure!
In all seriousness, after this course you'll be able to recognize what GraphQL offers, how to create a GraphQL API with Apollo Server, how TypeScript helps build more robust applications, how to use non-relational database like MongoDB, and how React and React Hooks can be used today to build dynamic client applications. In summary, you'll learn how to build full-stack JavaScript applications with some of the most popular technologies today.
Be sure to check out the syllabus for more detail on the topics the course covers!
If you're unhappy with the course for any reason, just reach out to us and we'll give you a full refund. There's no risk.