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Evaluating Frameworks for Micro-Frontends: React, Angular, Vue, Svelte, Qwik

This article dives deep into the realm of micro-frontends, with a particular emphasis on the Qwik Framework. This article also explores why Qwik may be a superior choice for managing micro-frontends compared to its counterparts like React , Angular , Vue , and Svelte . Micro-frontends represent an innovative design approach where a frontend app is partitioned into small, independent, manageable units that operate cohesively. Each unit, known as a micro-frontend, is managed by a separate team, leading to highly efficient and scalable development processes for complex applications.

Qwik SEO Performance: Why It May Outshine React, Angular, Vue, and Svelte

SEO is a critical element for any online platform's success. As SEO gained momentum, web development technologies like React , Angular , Vue , and Svelte had to integrate SEO into their core structure. However, there is a technology designed from scratch to incorporate SEO principles into its core structure — Qwik . This article will explore how Qwik promises superior SEO performance compared to other popular web development technologies.

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How to Fix the Error Error:error:0308010C:digital envelope routines::unsupported

If you are running Webpack or a CLI tool that’s built on top of Webpack (e.g., react-scripts for Create React App applications or vue-cli-service for Vue applications) with version 17 of Node.js, then you may have come across the following error: With Node.js v17+ supporting OpenSSL 3.0 , algorithms like MD4 have been relegated to OpenSSL 3.0’s legacy provider. A provider is a collection of cryptographic algorithm implementations. OpenSSL 3.0 comes with five standard providers : default, legacy, FIPS, base and null. The legacy provider consists of algorithms that are considered to be rarely used in today’s world or unsafe security-wise. This provider exists for backwards compatibility purposes (for software that still rely on these algorithms) and is not loaded by default. Webpack creates hashes using the crypto.createHash() method of the Node.js crypto module. This method can only create hashes with algorithms that are available and supported by the version of OpenSSL corresponding to the currently installed Node.js version. Since Webpack specifies to the crypto.createHash() method to use the MD4 algorithm (see below code), and this algorithm is not readily available in Node.js v17+ due to OpenSSL 3.0 not loading legacy providers by default, Webpack errors out and Node.js logs the error message Error: error:0308010C:digital envelope routines::unsupported .
Thumbnail Image of Tutorial How to Fix the Error Error:error:0308010C:digital envelope routines::unsupported

Building a GraphQL Application with Vue 3 and Apollo

RESTful APIs adhere to a reliable architectural standard for transferring data statelessly over the HTTP protocol. Every endpoint of an API semantically describes how a resource should be created ( POST ), read ( GET ), updated ( PUT / PATCH ), deleted ( DELETE ), etc. Large, data-driven applications consume data from multiple third-party/in-house sources, and each one exposes a unique set of endpoints to manage different resources. Adapting these applications to support a wide range of platforms and device sizes (commonly mobile, desktop and web) may present several problems: Using Facebook's GraphQL query language, the client specifies its exact data requirements to the server via a single endpoint. Establishing a schema (written with the syntax of the GraphQL Schema Definition Language) creates a contract between the client and server that defines what data can be read from and written to the data graph by the client. This data graph centralizes all of the APIs consumed by your application by mapping each field to a resolver that populates it with a value retrieved from an endpoint of one of these APIs, a database, etc. A client can fetch data from a GraphQL server via plain HTTP and then manually update the UI accordingly. However, GraphQL clients such as Apollo Client abstract away the low-level implementation details of these features underneath a declarative API. Built by the Apollo GraphQL team, Apollo Client is an open-source GraphQL client that provides a lot of out-of-the-box functionality for communicating with a GraphQL server:
Thumbnail Image of Tutorial Building a GraphQL Application with Vue 3 and Apollo

Vue 3 - The Composition API - Reusability (Part 2)

Vue's Options API constrains the reusability of logic across multiple components. Patterns involving mixins and higher-order components (HOCs) have been established to create reusable blocks of code and consolidate repeated state and functionality. However, each pattern has a drawback: With Vue 3's Composition API , component logic can be extracted, shared and reused amongst multiple components. Exposing Vue's core capabilities (reactivity and lifecycle hooks) as standalone, globally available functions allows developers to create custom hooks that are decoupled from any UI, but yet, can be consumed by any component. This can greatly improve the maintainability and flexibility of a large application composed of hundreds of components. Let's walkthrough an example demo to demonstrate the simplicity of writing reusable code with the Composition API.
Thumbnail Image of Tutorial Vue 3 - The Composition API - Reusability (Part 2)

Vue 3 - The Composition API (Part 1)

As the most starred open source, JavaScript library/framework repository on GitHub, Vue.js has become a top three front-end technology alongside React.js and Angular in terms of popularity, usage, ecosystem activity and developer satisfaction. Compared to React.js and Angular, Vue.js is incrementally adoptable and provides a declarative API that resonates with AngularJS developers. Evan You , the author of Vue.js, explained the original concept of Vue.js as extracting the best parts of AngularJS, such as directives (i.e., v-if and v-show ), and building a lightweight, flexible alternative. Building large Vue.js applications requires composing components together with state management (i.e., Vuex ) and routing (i.e., Vue Router ) libraries. In September 2020, the Vue.js team officially released Vue 3, which welcomed a number of improvements and new features: Particularly, the Composition API of Vue 3 has been met with controversy due to its resemblance to React hooks and its philosophical divergence from the Options API , which emphasizes separation of concerns by defining component logic within specific options ( data , props , computed , methods , etc.). For those who prefer the Options API, unlike other major version upgrades that introduce incompatible changes, the Composition API will not break existing Vue components using Options API (" purely additive "). Although it offers similar logic composition capabilities as React hooks, the Composition API leverages Vue's reactivity system to circumvent several of React hooks' issues.
Thumbnail Image of Tutorial Vue 3 - The Composition API (Part 1)

3 Chrome Devtools Tips to Make Developing Vue Apps Easier

In this blog post, I want to share 3 Chrome DevTools tips I recently learned that will make your life easier when writing Vue apps. When we have objects with a lot of fields (and many rows) if you console.log it out, you have to dig deep within these objects to uncover the values you're looking for. However, Chrome provides a handy function console.table , which will nicely format our data into a pretty table!
Thumbnail Image of Tutorial 3 Chrome Devtools Tips to Make Developing Vue Apps Easier

Tutorial - Shuffle a Deck of Cards in Vue.js

Thumbnail Image of Tutorial Tutorial - Shuffle a Deck of Cards in Vue.js

Managing State in Vue.js

Thumbnail Image of Tutorial Managing State in Vue.js

Tutorial - Build an Instagram clone with Vue.js and CSSGram

Thumbnail Image of Tutorial Tutorial - Build an Instagram clone with Vue.js and CSSGram