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Static Site Generation with Next.js and TypeScript (Part V) - Build Time Access Tokens and Exporting Static HTML

Disclaimer - Please read the fourth part of this blog post here before proceeding. It demonstrates how to statically generate pages with dynamic routes using the getStaticPath() function. If you just want to jump straight into this tutorial, then clone the project repository and install the dependencies. In the previous part of this tutorial series, we encountered a big problem: each getStaticProps() and getStaticPath() function required us to obtain an access token before being able to request any data from the Petfinder API. This meant that anytime we built the Next.js application for production, we had to obtain several access tokens for the Petfinder API: If we were to add more statically generated pages to the Next.js application that depend on data from the Petfinder API, then we would continue to accumulate more access tokens that are scattered throughout the Next.js application.
Thumbnail Image of Tutorial Static Site Generation with Next.js and TypeScript (Part V) - Build Time Access Tokens and Exporting Static HTML

Static Site Generation with Next.js and TypeScript (Part VI) - Client-Side Rendering

Disclaimer - Please read the fifth part of this blog post here before proceeding. It covers how to efficiently build a Next.js application with a single access token that can be used across all getStaticProps() and getStaticPath() functions. It also covers how to export a Next.js application to static HTML. If you just want to jump straight into this tutorial, then clone the project repository and install the dependencies. If all rendering happened on the client-side, then you end up with several problems. For example, suppose you build an application with Create React App . If you disable JavaScript in the browser and reload the application, then you will find the page void of content since React cannot run without JavaScript. Therefore, checking the DOM in the developer console, the
element, where React renders all of the dynamic content, will be shown to be empty. There's also the possibility of the client running on an underpowered device, so rendering might take longer than expected. Or worse, the client has a poor network connection, so the application might have to wait longer for JavaScript bundles and other assets to be fully fetched before being able to render anything to the page. This is why it's important to not blindly render all content with only one rendering strategy. Rather, you should consider taking a hybrid approach when building an application. By having some content pre-rendered in advance via static-site generation (or server-side rendering) and having the remaining content rendered via client-side rendering, you can simultaneously deliver both a highly performant page and an enriching user experience.
Thumbnail Image of Tutorial Static Site Generation with Next.js and TypeScript (Part VI) - Client-Side Rendering

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Static Site Generation with Next.js and TypeScript (Part III) - Optimizing Image Loading with Plaiceholder and BlurHash

Disclaimer - Please read the second part of this blog post here before proceeding. It explains the different data-fetching techniques that Next.js supports, and it guides you through the process of statically rendering a Next.js application page that fetches data at build time via the getStaticProps function. If you just want to jump straight into this tutorial, then clone the project repository and install the dependencies. Slow page loading times hurt the user experience. Anytime a user waits longer than a few seconds for a page's content to appear, they usually lose their patience and close out the page in frustration. A significant contributor to slow page loading times is image sizes. The larger an image is, the longer it takes the browser to download and render it to the page. One way to improve the perceived load time of images (and by extension, page) is to initially show a placeholder image to the user. This image should occupy the same space as the intended image to prevent cumulative layout shifting . Additionally, compared to the intended image, this image should be much smaller in size (at most, several KBs) so that it loads instantaneously (within the window of the page's first contentful paint). The placeholder image can be as simple as a single, solid color (e.g., Google Images or Medium) or as advanced as a blurred representation of the image (e.g., Unsplash).
Thumbnail Image of Tutorial Static Site Generation with Next.js and TypeScript (Part III) - Optimizing Image Loading with Plaiceholder and BlurHash

Static Site Generation with Next.js and TypeScript (Part I) - Project Overview

Many of today's most popular web applications, such as G-Mail and Netflix, are single-page applications (SPAs). Single-page applications deliver highly engaging and exceptional user experiences by dynamically rendering content without fully reloading whole pages. However, because single-page applications generate content via client-side rendering, the content might not be completely rendered by the time a search engine (or bot) finishes crawling and indexing the page. When it reaches your application, a search engine will read the empty HTML shell (e.g., the HTML contains a
in React) that most single-page applications start off with. For a smaller, client-side rendered application with fewer and smaller assets and data requirements, the application might have all the content rendered just in time for a search engine to crawl and index it. On the other hand, for a larger, client-side rendered application with many and larger assets and data requirements, the application needs a lot more time to download (and parse) all of these assets and fetch data from multiple API endpoints before rendering the content to the HTML shell. By then, the search engine might have already processed the page, regardless of the content's rendering status, and moved on to the next page. For sites that depend on being ranked at the top of a search engine's search results, such as news/media/blogging sites, the performance penalties and slower first contentful paint of client-side rendering may lower a site's ranking. This results in less traffic and business.
Thumbnail Image of Tutorial Static Site Generation with Next.js and TypeScript (Part I) - Project Overview

Web Components in Server-Side Rendered (SSR) and Static-Site Generated (SSG) in Next.js Applications

Compared to other web development frameworks, Next.js has become very popular because of its support for a number of rendering strategies that result in highly performant frontend applications: By having the content readily available in the initial HTML document, less client-side rendering takes place. All the client has to do is hydrate the components and make them functional. The less dynamic content the client renders, the better the application's performance and SEO. Search engine bots like Googlebot can visit the application, immediately crawl (and understand) its content and rank it high on search engines. If you use Web Components to build your application's UI, then you don't need to worry about the breaking changes that third-party JavaScript frameworks/libraries notoriously cause (as a result of rapid development and release cycles). Your application performs equally as well as (or better than) applications that use these frameworks/libraries. Additionally, the low-level, native APIs of Web Components are based on an official W3 specification and let you develop encapsulated, modular and reusable components (represented as custom HTML elements).
Thumbnail Image of Tutorial Web Components in Server-Side Rendered (SSR) and Static-Site Generated (SSG) in Next.js Applications