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Tutorials on React Testing

Learn about React Testing from fellow newline community members!

  • React
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  • Testing Library
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  • GraphQL
  • React
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  • Svelte
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  • D3
  • Testing Library
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The newline Guide to Creating a React Hooks Library is now Live 🎉

In this course, we’ll build a set of custom reusable hooks, a mini react-hanger clone, essentially going from nothing to a fully-automated publishing pipeline that follows the best practices. We cover common Hooks APIs every React developer should know, then dive straight into implementing Custom React Hooks, similar to what you will find in leading React libraries in the open source React ecosystem. Course modules include:
Thumbnail Image of Tutorial The newline Guide to Creating a React Hooks Library is now Live 🎉

Testing a Custom React Hook (useMap)

Developers of the most popular React Hooks libraries rely on tests to enforce the overall quality of their libraries' code. Tests cover a wide variety of different use cases, give developers confidence that everything works as intended and serve as a form of documentation. Anytime a test fails, developers know which set of arguments to use to replicate the bug encountered and squash it lands in the distribution package. When writing a custom React Hook for a library, the Hook should be tested regularly and against the fringest of edge cases to appeal to a greater number of projects. Setting up a testing environment that executes tests fast and reliably requires the proper tools: This testing environment allows you to write tests that closely resemble your user's actions. For example, @testing-library/react comes with methods for rendering a React component ( render ) to a container ( document.body by default) and finding an element within the rendered content of this container via the element's label ( screen.getByLabelText ):
Thumbnail Image of Tutorial Testing a Custom React Hook (useMap)

I got a job offer, thanks in a big part to your teaching. They sent a test as part of the interview process, and this was a huge help to implement my own Node server.

This has been a really good investment!

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The newline Guide to Modernizing an Enterprise React App is Now Live!🎉

Creating large, long-lived React apps, such as those required in large enterprises, poses unique challenges. Most developers lack the knowledge of how to build apps that scale gracefully and use the latest React techniques, such as React Hooks and React Testing Library, to modernize React apps in the enterprise. This course will help you master React development in the context of building for large enterprises. You will learn the latest React syntax, React Hooks, and more as you build an actual enterprise React app. You will learn: In  The newline Guide to Modernizing an Enterprise React App,  we teach you the various aspects of React development that ensure that apps vital to a company's success keep running. This is based on years of experience building and maintaining large-scale, complex, React apps in production, and will prepare you to do the same for any enterprise.
Thumbnail Image of Tutorial The newline Guide to Modernizing an Enterprise React App is Now Live!🎉