Adding new Angular apps to existing monorepoNext-Level Angular Apps with NXAdd new Angular apps to the existing NX repository
Design overviewNext-Level Angular Apps with NXLet's look at how our final application should look like
Extracting shared DTO libraryNext-Level Angular Apps with NXHow to extract library with DTOs classes from backend app and prepare it to be shared with frontend application
Migrating backend app to NXNext-Level Angular Apps with NXHow to migrate simple existing applications to NX
Backend overviewNext-Level Angular Apps with NXPresenting the current module's plan, highlighting crucial backend details for the frontend to illustrate the problem domain.
Fifth module introductionNext-Level Angular Apps with NXThis module will present a real-life example of an NX mono repository with multiple libraries and three applications.
Built-in library types in NXNext-Level Angular Apps with NXWhat are buildable and publishable libraries
Built-in app types in NXNext-Level Angular Apps with NXHow can you add more apps to monorepo, which frameworks are available at the time, and advantages of keeping them together
Fourth module introductionNext-Level Angular Apps with NXWhat else you can keep in monorepo...? Multiple apps using multiple frameworks, built-in Storybook and Cypress configuration