
Walking through the finalized app

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It can be hard to grasp what would be the end result of our class. Therefore, I thought it would be easier for me just to show you the final state of our application. Our application is a status bar app. It runs on the background and it's presented to the user here in the menu bar at the top right corner. If I click on the item, it's going to open itself and it's going to show me a list of my favorite books. So here I can add even more titles. I can click on the titles and this is going to take me to a Google search where I can see at the news. It also has some extra features. For example, it can launch itself at login whenever I start my computer. It can also detach itself and create a new window where I can use my app as any other window tab. It also has support for notifications, which are presented to the user. And it also supports drag and drop for, let's say, supporting adding images to my favorite books. These are not the features we will explore during the course. [BLANK_AUDIO]