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Building macOS Applications with React Native for macOS

Did you know Slack 's and Discord 's desktop clients are built with the Electron framework? Using Electron allows developers to bring their web applications to desktop faster without having to rewrite them completely as standalone, native clients that run on multiple operating systems. However, a major downside of building desktop applications with Electron is its high memory consumption and size because it packages the final build with a copy of Chromium, an open-source alternative of the Chrome browser, and Node.js to run an application written with HTML, CSS and JavaScript. At a high level, an Electron application behaves like a Chrome browser and loads and renders an HTML document inside of a window ( BrowserWindow ). To avoid the extra overhead of Chromium and Node.js and make the UI appear consistent with a platform's trademark design by rendering it with native APIs and components, consider using a different framework like React Native for Windows and macOS . Launched in 2019 and forked from Facebook's React Native project, React Native for Windows and macOS is an open source project maintained by Microsoft and allows developers to create Windows and macOS applications with a single React Native codebase. To interact with native APIs, the macOS port uses Objective-C or Swift while the Windows port uses C# or C++/WinRT. React Native for Windows and macOS comes with React components that are transformed into native components of each platform at runtime and can readily be imported from the react-native library. Composing an interface with native components instead of wrapping an entire web application inside of an application shell results in faster and smaller desktop applications. With all the tooling and CLI utilities provided by React Native for Windows and macOS, a developer can easily get started and deliver an application with a solid desktop experience.
Thumbnail Image of Tutorial Building macOS Applications with React Native for macOS

Adding TypeScript to a React Native for macOS Project

Forked from Facebook's React Native project, React Native for Windows and macOS ships with Flow by default. When compared to TypeScript , Flow is way less popular, and there are fewer third-party library interface definitions written for Flow than TypeScript. If your project requires a static type checker, then pick TypeScript for its widespread support across many third-party libraries/frameworks and thriving ecosystem. Setting up TypeScript for the React Native codebase will improve code quality and readability by static type checking to verify type safety, identifying potential bugs in the code and explicitly annotating code with types. Plus, if you are coding within an IDE that features intelligent code completion (strongly integrated with TypeScript) like VSCode, then anytime you type in the editor, suggestions and info about variables, function signatures, etc. pop up inline to provide helpful hints and keep you productive. Below I'm going to show you how to...
Thumbnail Image of Tutorial Adding TypeScript to a React Native for macOS Project

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Connecting Serverless Django to an Amazon RDS Instance (Part 2)

Disclaimer - Please read the first part of this blog post here before proceeding. It walkthrough the initial steps of creating a VPC with two subnets, one private and one public, to restrict access of the RDS database to the deployed Lambda function within the same network. AWS Relational Database Service (RDS) is an AWS cloud computing solution that enables developers to quickly provision, deploy and scale popular relational databases, such as PostgreSQL, on reliable infrastructure. To create an RDS instance, visit the Amazon RDS console and click on the "Create database" button.
Thumbnail Image of Tutorial Connecting Serverless Django to an Amazon RDS Instance (Part 2)

Styling React Components with styled-components

HTML , CSS and JavaScript form the foundation of all client-side applications. Each of these languages handles a different responsibility. HTML markup semantically organizes content, CSS rules styles content and JavaScript code adds dynamic interactivity to the content. Traditionally, developers build basic client-side applications along this standard separation of concerns, which groups code solely by language (and implicitly, by file type): HTML for structure, CSS for presentation and JavaScript for behavior. However, siloing code this way comes with a caveat. For example, if you have a carousel on your homepage, and you decide to modify its appearance, then you may need to consult three separate files ( .html , .css and .js files) to make the appropriate changes. With modern JavaScript libraries/frameworks, such as React , the separation of concerns shifts from languages to components. Now, all code belonging to a single component lives within a single file ( .jsx / .tsx for React). The component itself, written as a functional or class component, contains methods (lifecycle, render, etc.) that encapsulate its behavior. The JSX syntax within the render method (or within the return statement if written as a function) describes the component's structure. As for the component's presentation, there are two common approaches: Large CSS stylesheets are difficult to maintain, especially when tracking which rules override others and which rules can/cannot be removed. If you write styles using a CSS-in-JS library, then all styles belonging to a component exists alongside the component within a .jsx / .tsx file (or .js file if imported from a separate file). When the component is no longer used within the application, then deleting the component's styles is as simple as deleting the component itself.
Thumbnail Image of Tutorial Styling React Components with styled-components

How to Build a Composable Stack Component

Photo by  Sean Stratton  on  Unsplash One of the simplest and yet most common layout patterns found on the web is putting one element on top of another element with consistent space between them. From form labels, to paragraphs of text, to social media feeds. They all need to stack one thing on top of another with uniform space between them.  Let's say we are building the following component:
Thumbnail Image of Tutorial How to Build a Composable Stack Component