
An introduction to the course

Project Source Code

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Lesson Transcript

  • [00:00 - 01:31] Hello and welcome to the newline Shadcn UI Course. I'm Eyal and I'm a software engineer focused on front-end applications. I've been building software and web products from multiple companies since 2016. In this course you are going to learn how to build modern web application interfaces using Chatsy annual I-By the end of the course you will be able to build beautiful and accessible web applications yourself. We're going to use Chatsy annual I- Next.js and Tailwind CSS. The curse is split into nine models. In the first module you are going to learn about the Chatsy annual I-Way. White was created and the core principles behind it. In the second module we'll create a new project using the Chatsy annual I template and we are going to learn about the Chatsy annual I-C-L-I. In the third module we are going to fetch articles from a news API and render it in a very cool and sleek website. In the fourth module you are going to learn about how theming works in Chatsy new I-and how to customize it. Next we are going to build and event management applications. Then we are going to learn about how to use forms in Chatsy new I -and then how to build powerful tables. Then we'll dive deep into component composition, why it 's important, and how to use it with Chatsy annual I-and finally in my favorite module you're going to learn how you can contribute back to the Chatsy new I-Pawjak and to open source in general. If you have any questions you can comment in line or send a message in the discord channel of the course. I'm so excited to have you here and learn about Chatsy and you I together. Let's get started!

  • [00:00 - 01:31] Hello and welcome to the newline Shadcn UI Course. I'm Eyal and I'm a software engineer focused on front-end applications. I've been building software and web products from multiple companies since 2016. In this course you are going to learn how to build modern web application interfaces using Chatsy annual I-By the end of the course you will be able to build beautiful and accessible web applications yourself. We're going to use Chatsy annual I- Next.js and Tailwind CSS. The curse is split into nine models. In the first module you are going to learn about the Chatsy annual I-Way. White was created and the core principles behind it. In the second module we'll create a new project using the Chatsy annual I template and we are going to learn about the Chatsy annual I-C-L-I. In the third module we are going to fetch articles from a news API and render it in a very cool and sleek website. In the fourth module you are going to learn about how theming works in Chatsy new I-and how to customize it. Next we are going to build and event management applications. Then we are going to learn about how to use forms in Chatsy new I -and then how to build powerful tables. Then we'll dive deep into component composition, why it 's important, and how to use it with Chatsy annual I-and finally in my favorite module you're going to learn how you can contribute back to the Chatsy new I-Pawjak and to open source in general. If you have any questions you can comment in line or send a message in the discord channel of the course. I'm so excited to have you here and learn about Chatsy and you I together. Let's get started!