NFC Pokemon App

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Hello, in this module, we will go beyond and death and start to explore technology specific operations for NSC tags. We will build an app called NFC Pokemon. There are two roles for this app. One is for the administrator, who is allowed to write Pokemon data into NFC tags. The administrator can just choose the Pokemon they want to make and press the create button. On the other hand, we have normal users who will use this app to identify which Pokemon is sealed in the NFC tags. During the read and write process, we will use low-level NFC operations to directly manipulate the internal memory in NFC tags. Beyond reading and writing to tags, we will also show you how to make a digital signature for our NFC Pokemon tags. By using an asymmetric encryption algorithm, only the administrator who has the private key can produce valid signatures. However, every normal user will be able to verify it via the public key. More than that, we will also show you how to set a password to protect our NFC tags from unauthorized operations. This way, our NFC Pokemon tags won't be tempered by other third-party applications. There is a lot to cover, so let's get started. . . (buzzing) .