App1 Conclusion

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Hello, we have almost finished our final app. It's a good time to review what we have learned so far. First, we learned there are two ways to create Reinative Skeleton Project. We also mentioned how to choose between them. Basically, you will need to understand whether your project depends on third party library with or without native codes. Then, we learned how to configure a Reinative Project with NFC. For Android, we simply add users permission into AndroidManifest.xml and it's done. For iOS, we will have to add NFC tag reading capabilities in both Apple Developer website. As well as in our Xcode project. Remember to add the privacy string into info.plist as well. After configuring our NFC project, we install Reinative NFC Manager. We walk you through how to identify the native part in platform IDE, SQL and Android Studio. We also do a quick review of NFC Technologies stack. Then, we used API provided from Reinative NFC Manager to implement our tech counter game. Those APIs are, is supported, is enabled. Start, set EventListener, register tag event, and set alert message iOS. Please remember that most of these APIs are async functions. After the iOS app, we mentioned that Android provides no system scan UI, so we implemented one front scratch. During this process, there are several fun parts. First, how to use React ref to construct imperative API and how to use animated front-run native. Awesome! Before we wrap it up, let's do some final styling to let our NFC game app looks better. That's the fun part, and I hope you enjoy it as much as I do. In the next module, we will explore n-depth, which is the most widely used data structure for NFC tags. I will see you there! [silence] [ Silence ]