
Syllabus and course overview.

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Lesson Transcript

  • [00:00 - 00:13] This is a self-paced course that will teach you the skills necessary to build a private component library with React and TypeScript. We will cover the core aspects of planning, building, testing, and deploying a private component library.

  • [00:14 - 00:34] Some of the technologies that we'll be using in this course are React, Type Script, Storybook, React Testing Library, GitHub Actions, and GitHub Packages. The course content is split between seven modules, and the first module will answer what is often the hardest decision when starting a new component library, which is deciding which components should be shared.

  • [00:35 - 00:48] In module two, we'll learn how to create the initial scaffold of a component library with Storybook as our default development environment. In module three, we will learn some shared component patterns by creating a button component.

  • [00:49 - 01:00] In module four, we'll learn some more advanced shareable component patterns by creating an input and text area component. These will also include some accessibility features provided through React context.

  • [01:01 - 01:12] In module five, we will learn how to create maintainable tests for our shared components using React Testing Library. In module six, we'll be creating a tree-shakable build process with Rollup.js.

  • [01:13 - 01:20] And then in module seven, we'll be setting up a CI and CD workflow within GitHub Actions to automate deployment of our component library to a private npm registry.

This is a self-paced course that will teach you the skills necessary to build a private component library with React and TypeScript. We will cover the core aspects of planning, building, testing, and deploying a private component library. Some of the technologies that we'll be using in this course are React, Type Script, Storybook, React Testing Library, GitHub Actions, and GitHub Packages. The course content is split between seven modules, and the first module will answer what is often the hardest decision when starting a new component library, which is deciding which components should be shared. In module two, we'll learn how to create the initial scaffold of a component library with Storybook as our default development environment. In module three, we will learn some shared component patterns by creating a button component. In module four, we'll learn some more advanced shareable component patterns by creating an input and text area component. These will also include some accessibility features provided through React context. In module five, we will learn how to create maintainable tests for our shared components using React Testing Library. In module six, we'll be creating a tree-shakable build process with Rollup.js. And then in module seven, we'll be setting up a CI and CD workflow within GitHub Actions to automate deployment of our component library to a private npm registry. [BLANK_AUDIO]