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Tutorials on Supabase


What Is Supabase And How It Can Replace Your Entire Backend

Welcome to the second lesson of our course on how to build complete fullstack apps in less than an afternoon with bolt + supabase. If you haven’t yet, I highly suggest you check out Part 1 before diving in, where we talked all about the ‘what’, ‘why’, and ‘how’  of Bolt and briefly the future of AI - I think you’ll benefit a lot from it. Now back to this tutorial.

How To Build Complete Fullstack Apps In Less Than An Afternoon With Bolt + Supabase

What if I told you that 2-3 hours from now you could have taken your app idea and transformed it into a beautiful, production-level full stack application, deployed and available on the internet, for everyone to use? If I told you something like this a couple of years ago, you’d laugh and scoff and dismiss everything I just said. In fact, this was my reaction too when I first heard someone from Supabase talk about what Bolt and Supabase combined could achieve.
Thumbnail Image of Tutorial How To Build Complete Fullstack Apps In Less Than An Afternoon With Bolt + Supabase

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