How to work with course materials

Project Source Code

Get the project source code below, and follow along with the lesson material.

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To set up the project on your local machine, please follow the directions provided in the file. If you run into any issues with running the project source code, then feel free to reach out to the author in the course's Discord channel.

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Lesson Transcript

  • [00:00 - 00:08] Each lesson is going to have some code attached to it. In order to find it, you need to go to the Model directory and then to the lesson directory, like it's shown on the screen.

  • [00:09 - 00:20] This directory will have an expected state of your code base at the point of the course. So if you're stuck, you can always copy-paste all the code to your directory and get back on track.

  • [00:21 - 00:28] We do recommend though that you work on your own code and you fix your issues yourself. But if you're stuck for a very long time, that's no problem.

  • [00:29 - 00:34] Just copy-paste the code and start over. Now we looked at how we work with the materials.

  • [00:35 - 00:36] So now we can start for real.