Intro to the course

Introduction to the course and building foundation of blockchain and privacy

Lesson Transcript

  • [00:00 - 03:07] Hello and welcome to the course of privacy on blockchains. My name is Ali Azim and we are going to go through the different privacy techniques that are used within blockchains and how you can use them within your own applications, be it blockchain applications or even normal applications. The idea here is not to drill into the math but to understand the fundamentals of privacy and how it can be achieved with using simple simple things like hash functions and where to use rich techniques because we're going to drill into each one of them in detail and explore different things and as we do this we're also going to build some really cool projects. I hope you enjoy building because I certainly did. So the contents of the course are that these are the modules that we have so we have intro to privacy on blockchains. This will essentially give you a brief intro to what is a blockchain, what is mining, what does privacy mean within blockchain and what guarantees do we really look for. So we'll go into the details about that. Secondly we'll implement rock paper scissors game on Ethereum which is going to be the fun part. The idea is to have a very simple rock paper scissors game and see how the privacy is so important in these applications. After that we're also going to do a deep dive into the current privacy blockchain such as zcash, dash, monero and many more and we're going to look at how they achieve privacy and what can we learn from them. And we also are also going to look at the different cryptography techniques. So we're going to use cryptography as our toolbox and we're going to use different different techniques that are in there such as hashes, mercury, zero knowledge proofs and many other things like rings and natures and we're going to go through each one of them and we'll have exercises to go through this so we can test that. This thing is just not theoretical, it's actually functional and working and there's a lot of people using it and a lot of cryptocurrencies using it so it's definitely worth it. After that we are going to do a deep dive into Bitcoin privacy so we are going to look at how private is Bitcoin, how what studies have been done to analyze it and how private is the synonymous nature of Bitcoin. After that we are going to look into the privacy solutions that are currently available on Ethereum which include nightfall, Aztec, tornado cache and many many more and we will build a lot of things along the way so stay tuned and we will dive right in.

  • [00:00 - 03:07] Hello and welcome to the course of privacy on blockchains. My name is Ali Azim and we are going to go through the different privacy techniques that are used within blockchains and how you can use them within your own applications, be it blockchain applications or even normal applications. The idea here is not to drill into the math but to understand the fundamentals of privacy and how it can be achieved with using simple simple things like hash functions and where to use rich techniques because we're going to drill into each one of them in detail and explore different things and as we do this we're also going to build some really cool projects. I hope you enjoy building because I certainly did. So the contents of the course are that these are the modules that we have so we have intro to privacy on blockchains. This will essentially give you a brief intro to what is a blockchain, what is mining, what does privacy mean within blockchain and what guarantees do we really look for. So we'll go into the details about that. Secondly we'll implement rock paper scissors game on Ethereum which is going to be the fun part. The idea is to have a very simple rock paper scissors game and see how the privacy is so important in these applications. After that we're also going to do a deep dive into the current privacy blockchain such as zcash, dash, monero and many more and we're going to look at how they achieve privacy and what can we learn from them. And we also are also going to look at the different cryptography techniques. So we're going to use cryptography as our toolbox and we're going to use different different techniques that are in there such as hashes, mercury, zero knowledge proofs and many other things like rings and natures and we're going to go through each one of them and we'll have exercises to go through this so we can test that. This thing is just not theoretical, it's actually functional and working and there's a lot of people using it and a lot of cryptocurrencies using it so it's definitely worth it. After that we are going to do a deep dive into Bitcoin privacy so we are going to look at how private is Bitcoin, how what studies have been done to analyze it and how private is the synonymous nature of Bitcoin. After that we are going to look into the privacy solutions that are currently available on Ethereum which include nightfall, Aztec, tornado cache and many many more and we will build a lot of things along the way so stay tuned and we will dive right in.