Scroller schema

Describe the implementation of Scroller.

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With our library hosted on GitHub, let's get down to writing code for scroller. There are various ways to consume a React library. We can use plain JavaScript, components, hooks, render props, higher-der components, or HOCs. For the implementation of scroller, we'll be taking advantage of hooks. Hooks are a fairly new addition to React, introduced in version 16.8 that provide an excellent way of sharing logic between functional components. But one of the downsides of using hooks is they cannot be used in components to find using class or class components. The functional components are slowly becoming the popular choice in the React community. Scroller is a hook that will produce a function. In our use as example, we'll have our hook called usescroller that takes some options. An xy field will tell us where to scroll, use our numbers, and require. We'll have an optional is smooth option that tells us if we should move smoothly to a position or instantaneously. In this case, when scroller is called, the scroller will scroll to x position 5 , y position 200, and pixels smoothly.