Kristian Dupont
I write code, I help teams write code and I help companies create teams that write code. I am a fullstack developer at Invert and am the author of Fullstack Typescript with TailwindCSS and tRPC Using Modern Features of PostgreSQL.
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Exploring Modern Web Development Stack: Fullstack TypeScript with TailwindCSS and tRPC Using PostgreSQL
Jul 26th 2024courses
Fullstack Typescript with TailwindCSS and tRPC Using Modern Features of PostgreSQL
Create a robust and scalable application architecture, from the backend data layer to the frontend UI. This comprehensive full-stack development course covers monorepos, TypeScript, Tailwind CSS, tRPC, and PostgreSQL, empowering you to build modern, scalable applications. Learn how to build a SaaS with type safety end-to-end, from the database through the backend and to the UI, with TypeScript, PostgreSQL, NodeJS and React. Using advanced features of PostgreSQL, you'll also learn how to achieve a high level of data integrity and performance, and how to manage database migrations using raw SQL for maximum control.Jun 7th 2024books
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